The 19th Regional Meeting of the Society for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds will be held
27-31 July 2013
St. George’s University, Grenada
Theme: Bird Conservation in a Changing Climate
As a lead up to the birding conference which sees up to 300+ persons, Caribbean Horizons Guides will be part of the intensive bird guiding – training which will take place in June using experienced facilitators and research ornithologists as presenters. Our “graduation” will be to take the birders to the nesting sites of the Grenada Dove, Hookbilled Kite, Tattinger and other island species as well as the migratory ponds and lakes on the mid conference tours which also include Carriacou and Union Island!
Caribbean Horizons is assisting the organizers of the event with logistics and planning.
Call us if you would like to go to this meeting or register directly at the website: