Schomburgkia is a genus of plants belonging to the family Orchidaceae. This genus is named for Richard Schomburgk, a German botanist who explored British Guiana during the 19th century. Species in this genus are either ephiphytic or lithophytic in their growth habit. According to the Royal Horticultural Society Schom. is the official abbreviation for this genus.
The type species Schomburgkia crispa is a large sized, hot growing species found in the tropical areas of Venezuela, Surinam, Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador.
Source: wikipedia.org

And as you can see Schomburgkia also grows in our garden in Grenada. On Thursday, 23rd the visitors from the UK were able to see the flowers in full bloom. We had 10 blooms this year of this lovely orchid!
International judges from the USA orchid society were raving about the lone bloom in the Grenada display which won best of show, last year in Barbados.